CAMIN - 2017
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

David Guiraud was member of the organizing committee of IEEE NER 2017 Shangai

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Christine Azevedo was member of the JNRR (french journeys of research in robotics) program committee.

  • David Andreu was member of the European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2) program committee

  • Daniel Simon was member of the ICINCO (Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics) program committee

  • David Guiraud was Associate editor of Theme 6 at IEEE EMBC

  • David Andreu was reviewer for ERTS2 2018.

  • Daniel Simon was reviewer for the ICINCO, IFAC and ECC conferences.

  • Christine Azevedo was reviewer for several journals and conferences this year.

  • David Guiraud was reviewer for IEEE EMBC and IEEE NER


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Christine Azevedo was guest editor for EJTM journal and Artificial Organs (2 special issues).

  • David Guiraud is associate editor for MBEC and JNE

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Daniel Simon was reviewer for Real-Time Systems.

  • David Guiraus was reviewer for JNE J. of Neuroscience Methods, MBEC and EJTM

Invited Talks

  • Christine Azevedo was invited to give a lecture in January 5th at Institut de la Moelle in Paris in the context of a meeting of the consortium ANR ECOTECH dedicated to Parkinson Posture.

  • Christine Azevedo and David Guiraud were invited to give 2 lectures in March on hand function rehabilitation during the symposium organized at CHUV hospital in Lausanne "Rehabilitation de la main : de l’amputation à la lésion centrale. Peut-on rêver à de nouvelles solutions technologiques ?".

  • Christine Azevedo was invited to give a lecture on FES during the workshop organized by BIONESS company at the SOFMER congress.

  • David Guiraud was invited for a plenary talk in Nagoya, Japan for the International Funciotnal Reconstruction of the Hand Symposium (28-29 of April)

Leadership within the Scientific Community

David Guiraud was member of « Gourpe de Travail Neurostimulation alliance Aviesan »

Scientific Expertise

David Guiraud was expert for the ERC Advanced Grant

David Guiraud was expert for ANR

Research Administration

Christine Azevedo was in charge of one working group to write a scientific challenge on handicap for Inria Strategic Plan.